Since the Supreme Court overruled PASPA back in 2018, state legislators have been trying to pass a bill to legalize sports betting in Minnesota. However, these attempts have failed over the years. Mostly, this was due to the failure of relevant parties to agree on the terms of sports betting- specifically tribal casino operators in the state.

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Efforts to Legalize Sports Betting in Minnesota this 2024

Before we talk about the latest bill in detail, let us take a brief look at the timeline for efforts this year:

  • Legislation to Legalize Sports Betting in Minnesota Fails AgainJanuary- State Senator Jeremy Miller announced updated sports betting bill for the new legislative session.
  • February- Start of legislative session. Governor Tim Walz announced that he will sign a sports betting bill if the State and House approves one. HF 2000 of Rep. Zack Stephenson moves through the House.
  • March- Bills and amendments continue in both the House and Senate, with changes to remove in-game betting, increasing tax rates (SF 1949), and more.
  • April- A new bill was introduced in the Senate with a proposed 40% tax rate (SF 5330).
  • May- HF 5742 is submitted by Rep. Zack Stephenson to get a sports betting bill in place before the close of legislative session in May 20.

What Happened to the Bills on Sports Betting in the State?

As you can see, there are quite a lot of bills spouting different terms and provisions, adding further chaos to the efforts to put into place a singular sports betting policy. The discussion of sports betting however, was not finalized as the House ended their legislative session on May 20. However, in the last few days before this happened, legislators were somehow able to agree on a deal that all parties can agree on.

The bill proposed to have 11 online sports betting licenses through partnerships with the local tribes. Retail sports betting would also have been legalized. There was no inclusion of parimutuel betting since it could affect the local horse racing tracks. So the bill would have legalized betting, but it would not be as extensive as other markets. For instance, if you use this sportsbook pay per head service, you will be able to offer sports betting, horse racing, and other products like eSports betting and live betting.

What is Next for Sports Betting in Minnesota?

Legislation to Legalize Sports Betting in Minnesota Fails AgainUnfortunately, this means that next year will be crucial for legislators to pass any sports betting bill. Especially if we want to see sportsbooks go live in 2025 or even 2026. A possible issue here, is that 2025 is an election year. Every seat in the House of Representatives is up for election next year. This means that public opinion will have a much larger effect on what House Representatives will do. And with sports betting a controversial issue, it may affect the chances of sports betting moving through the House.

Meanwhile, you can easily open your own sportsbook without having to wait for a year. These bookie pay per head reviews can point you to a sportsbook software provider that can have your sportsbook up and running in no time.


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